Measures taken to distribute gas, fuel, essential items, and medicine within a couple of days

Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajapaksa says that steps have been taken to distribute gas, fuel, essential items, and medicine and that the present situation will be addressed within a couple of days.

Negotiations with the International Monetary Fund have been very successful and within the next few weeks, the necessary background has been created to implement the loan assistance programme. In the last few weeks, phone conversations were held with the Heads of States as well as with the Ambassadors of many countries and efforts were made to get the assistance of those countries.

After a long and well-planned effort, the country is now reaping its benefits.

> Essential medicines have already been received.

>65,000 metric tons of fertilizers have been ordered under Indian credit line facilities. The first ship carrying 44,000 metric tons of fertilizer will reach the island tomorrow (09).

The required fuel, gas and ordered essentials will continue to be received from July 12.

All arrangements have been made to prevent food shortage in the country under various agricultural programmes.

The 21st Amendment has already been approved by the Cabinet.

Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajapaksa requested the people to properly understand the current situation and act peacefully and intelligently without getting caught up in wrong ideologies.

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