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10,000 beds in 10 days Project completed

The national task of making 10,000 beds in 10 days which commenced on May 7, completed today. According to Youth & Sports Ministry about 16,000 beds have been completed during the 10 days. Throughout the project to motivate the youth who engaged in this national endeavour, Sports Minister Namal Rajapaksa engaged inspection tours of the various workshops. The beds were handed over to the relevant Health officers.

The National Youth Services Council and the National Youth Corps took the lead in achieving the objectives of the project with the extensive contribution of government agencies and various voluntary organizations.

As a result, 13 additional ward complexes with facilities have been added to the hospitals.

Minister thanked the youth for their support and said that their contribution would be utilized in future as well. The project of making 10,000 hospital beds in 10 days which is being implemented in parallel with the National COVID-19 Eradication Programme was a concept of the Minister of Youth and Sports Namal Rajapaksa. Minister of Youth and Sports Namal Rajapaksa has appealed to the youth all over the country to continue this good work despite the achievement of the goal of beds.

As hospital bed capacity reaching full, Youths, volunteers, students island-wide voluntarily join hands with the national program of providing 10,000 beds in 10 days project.


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