The machines as well as the employees at the company are working at full capacity, and Thriposha is being manufactured at a higher capacity, Sri Lanka Thriposha Limited Chairman Deepthi Kularathna announced.

Earlier, there was an issue with finding the main ingredient, maize, to manufacture Thriposha, due to financial difficulties. But with the intervention and financial assistance of the Health Ministry, the manufacturing of Thriposha has moved forward.

The World Food Programme (WFP) and several private institutions assisted in providing the main ingredients when manufacturing Thriposha. Meanwhile, the WFP has assured of providing maize for the next few months of this year. Currently, the company is receiving these main ingredients for its manufacturing activities.

Pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers, as well as children over three years old, will be provided with Thriposha. However, due to issues in providing Thriposha for children aged between six months and three years, several rounds of discussions were held, but they ended inconclusively. Therefore, it was decided to submit a Cabinet Paper to Parliament through the Health Ministry. But no favorable reply has been received yet.

If solutions are provided, the Thriposha Company has the capacity to provide Thriposha for children between six months and three years, the Chairman said.

Source daily mirror