1000 Sri Lankan Trade unions to launch massive strike against government

Update – Train services disrupted as railway employees from several trade unions have NOT reported to work.

Students and teachers attendance to school has dropped due to the strike.

According to the ground sources, less private buses are operating while SLTB buses are operating as usual.

Katunayake Bandaranayake International Airport BIA operations are functioning as usual.

Operations at the Sri Lanka Ports Authority are functioning as usual.

Collective of trade unions says about 1000 government, semi-government and private sector trade unions to launch a token strike today April 28 to protest against the government.

Co-Convener of the Trade Union Coordination Center Ravi Kumudesh says that more than a thousand trade unions have agreed to a strike and a joint hartal on April 28 organized under the theme ‘Bow to the people – government go home’, urging the President and the government to ‘go home’.

Workers in all sectors including education, transport, estates, ports, electricity, banks, postal services, Samurdhi, and development officers are joining the strike.

Kumudesh said about 50 percent of hospitals and employees will also join the strike without disrupting hospital services. Health workers on duty are to be dressed in black and engaged in emergency services. He also said that the hospital workers would go on strike for two hours from 12.00 noon to 2.00 pm.

Protests and marches will be held in front of all hospitals from 12.00 noon today and protests have also been organized in cities across the country.

Sri Lankan University students and Inter University Students Federation have also organized a series of protests in major cities to support the trade unions strike action.

Commercial Bank PLC says that they have received notice from the Ceylon Bank Employees’ Union (CBEU) expressing their intention to carry out a token strike on Thursday 28th April 2022. As a result, there may be disruptions to banking services offered by our branches and the business hours will be restricted from 9.00 a. m. to 11.00 a. m.

There may be disruptions to banking services - Commercial Bank PLC
There may be disruptions to banking services – Commercial Bank PLC

Minister of Transport Dilum Amunugama says that although some groups are preparing for a strike, public and private transport services will continue to operate without any hindrance.

Sri Lanka Administrative Services Association says that despite the trade union action, there will be no interruption to the ‘one day service’ at the departments of Immigration & Emigration, Registration of Persons and the Department of Motor Traffic.

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