In a historic meeting, representatives from the Global Tamil Forum (GTF) and prominent Buddhist Monastics joined forces to meet with President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Together, they presented the Joint Himalayan Declaration, advocating for a pluralistic Sri Lanka that places community well-being at its core. The declaration underscores the importance of learning from historical mistakes and emphasizes the need for accountability measures.

The collaborative effort between the Global Tamil Forum and Buddhist Monastics signals a significant step towards fostering unity and understanding among diverse communities in Sri Lanka. The Joint Himalayan Declaration envisions a nation that prioritizes inclusivity and harmony, drawing on the shared values of different ethnic and religious groups.

As Sri Lanka continues its journey towards reconciliation and sustainable development, the Joint Himalayan Declaration stands as a symbol of hope and progress, uniting diverse voices in the pursuit of a harmonious and pluralistic future.

Joint Himalayan Declaration
Joint Himalayan Declaration