In a radical rebranding, Twitter owner Elon Musk has replaced Twitter’s iconic bird logo with X. Musk made the shock announcement of his plans early Sunday. By Monday morning US time, he tweeted that now points to “Interim X logo goes live later today,” he wrote, shortly before sharing a photo of Twitter’s headquarters lit up by a giant new X. An X-shaped logo is displayed adjacent to the home button.

Twitter’s chief executive, Linda Yaccarino, recently unveiled the new logo for Twitter, which features a white X on a black background. The decision to change the logo came after the platform’s owner, Elon Musk, expressed his desire to replace the iconic Larry the bird logo.

In a tweet posted on Monday morning, Linda Yaccarino enthusiastically announced the arrival of the new logo, saying, “X is here! Let’s do this.”

Elon Musk, also known for his prominent presence on Twitter, promptly updated his profile picture to showcase the new X logo and added “” to his Twitter bio. This move indicated his strong support for the logo change.

Reports indicate that Elon Musk has plans to develop a “super app” called “X.” This suggests that the new logo is likely to be associated with this upcoming application.

Prior to the official announcement, Elon Musk had hinted at the logo change, tweeting on Sunday that Twitter’s brand would bid farewell, and eventually, all references to birds would be removed.

Shortly after his announcement, an interim version of the new logo went live on the platform, representing the first step towards implementing the logo transformation.

With the introduction of the X logo, Twitter seems to be embracing a new era under Elon Musk’s ownership, signaling potential changes and innovations for the popular social media platform.