Aswesuma Welfare Benefit Programme Welcomes New Applications in February 2024

In an eagerly awaited announcement, Minister Shehan Semasinghe declared that the Aswesuma welfare benefit programme is set to open its doors to new applications during the first week of February 2024. This marks a significant opportunity for individuals and families seeking support within the framework of the social welfare initiative.

Minister Semasinghe, addressing the media, shared the news of an impressive expansion to the Aswesuma programme. A notable increase of 300,000 families will now be included in the initiative, reflecting a commitment to broadening the scope of assistance provided. This decision follows a meticulous review process that took into account a staggering 700,000 appeals and objections from diverse sources.

Welfare Benefits Board –

The Minister says applications to be called for the second phase of the Aswesuma relief in February 1st Week.

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