In a dramatic turn of events, business tycoon entrepreneur Dhammika Perera has decided to withdraw from the presidential election, according to Udayanga Weerathunga. Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP), also known as “Pohottuwa,” is set to announce its candidate on August 7th at 7 a.m. However, due to unexpected developments, the party has had to reconsider its choice and is expected to name MP Namal Rajapaksa as its candidate he further says.
Weerathunga confirmed that the SLPP remains committed to fielding a candidate who has a strong chance of winning, stating, “If Dhammika Perera refuses, Namal Rajapaksa will be the candidate.”
Earlier, Dhammika Perera had expressed his readiness to contest in the presidential race. The reason for Perera’s abrupt withdrawal remains unclear.
Recent polling data from the Independent Health and Policy (IHP) research centre suggests that the SLPP candidate might secure only 7% of the vote. In contrast, Sajith Premadasa of the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) is currently leading with 43% support according to the latest opinion poll.