Hot Weather – MET issues Heat index advisory

Heat index, the temperature felt on human body is expected to increase up to ‘Caution’ level at some places in North-western province and Gampaha, Colombo, Hambantota and Monaragala District.

Temperature records of several districts projected to exceed 32°C. Anuradhapura and Ratnapura may soar to a scorching 34°C, while Kandy, Colombo and Batticoloa are set to reach 32°C.

Job sites: Stay hydrated and takes breaks in the shade as often as possible.
Indoors: Check up on the elderly and the sick.
Vehicles: Never leave children unattended.
Outdoors: Limit strenuous outdoor activities, find shade and stay hydrated.
Dress: Wear lightweight and white or light-colored clothing.

Given the potential risks associated with dehydration during such extreme weather, authorities strongly recommend staying hydrated. Health experts recommend carrying water bottles and drinking water regularly, even if one does not feel thirsty. Adults are encouraged to aim for a minimum of 2 liters of water daily to ensure their well-being during this heatwave.

Except for a few showers in Southern province and in Rathnapura district in the evening or night mainly fair weather will prevail elsewhere over the Island.

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