In a shocking turn of events, four new-born babies have died in the District General Hospital, Kilinochchi within the past seven days leading to serious questions whether these deaths are due to medical negligence or otherwise.
Parents of two deceased babies have submitted written complaints to the Kilinochchi Hospital Director demanding an explanation for the deaths.
According to sources, these deceased infants are from separate families and residents of the Kilinochchi area.
Meanwhile, an official from the Health Ministry told the Ministry has launched a clinical investigation into the incidents in order to ascertain the actual cause of the deaths.
Besides, the Ministry is slated to issue a comprehensive report on the matter within the next few days.
Commenting on the matter, GMOA Media Spokesman Dr Chamil Wijesinghe told that although they were aware of the incident, they were yet to receive a clear-cut update on what had really happened.
Meanwhile, informed sources confirmed that as per maternity statics, 15 neonatal deaths were reported in 2022 while 10 neonatal deaths have been reported from January to June in 2023 from the Kilinochchi Hospital.
source daily mirror