Private & CTB Bus Fare to increase 35%

Lanka Private Bus Owners Association say bus fares will increase by 35% with effect from midnight April 19. Gemunu Wijerathne says minimum bus fare increased up to Rs. 27. Transport Minister Dilum Amunugama says SLTB bus fares will increase by 35% with effect from midnight.

Due to the increase in both IOC and CEYPETCO prices, private buses in many areas have stopped functioning says Bus Union.

CEYPETCO increased Petrol and Diesel Prices with effect from April 18 midnight. The new prices are Petrol Octane 92 – Rs. 338, Petrol Octane 95 – Rs. 373, Auto Diesel – Rs. 289 and Super Diesel – Rs 329.

Lanka IOC increased fuel prices from midnight April 17. Accordingly new prices are Petrol 92 (Octane) Rs. 338, Petrol 95 Rs. 367, Auto Diesel Rs. 289 and Super Diesel 327.

Awaits more details

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