FUTA warns of severe brain drain within universities

The Federation of University Teachers’ Association (FUTA) stresses that there is a severe brain drain within the country’s universities.

Chairman of the association Prof. Barana Jayawardena pointed out that in the last 06 months alone, around 600 university lecturers have left their respective universities.

He also expressed that as a result, problems have arisen in continuing the activities of some faculties.

Meanwhile, a group of university lecturers and professors met the Minister of Education Susil Premjayantha and the officers of the University Grants Commission (UGC) at the UGC premises on August 02, in order to discuss the issues that have arisen in the university system with the tax amendments.

FUTA News Sri Lanka

However, the university lecturers and professors declared that if no solution is received to their issues, they will resort to strict decisions in the future.

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